Saturday, September 12, 2009

and we're off.....again

after the very much too brief respite of california, we were carted to our respective airports (fresno/orange county) in the wee hours of the morning to continue life uprooted. a day of flights and connections and more flights placed us in the bosom of the philadelphia airport (where we were entranced by this). the stories we had heard of poster tour people being easily spotted rang truer than i thought it would and soon we had handfuls of zines, headfulls of stories and theories and face fulls of anarcho-smell. falling asleep on our luggage, pacing outside, and our bus finally arrived to take us west, to the training grounds. hotel number one, full of poster people, excited and drunk at the in-hotel bar. arriving much to late to find any food vendors to satisfy our cross country hunger, we eventually fell into the loving and peanut-butter-and-honey giving arms of friendly florida folks. hand tattoos and big smiles, they didnt even care that we ate and ran to sleep and get up in a few hours. poster tour training was located on a university campus, where we were fed from the cafteria, thus giving the whole training week an overtone of crust-anarcho-hippie summer camp. stories upon stories upon stomach aches, it all seemed a bit unecessary but pleasant enough to be surrounded by such lovely people.

(anthony, up and over that pole)

(proud anthony)

the last nite of training (the week is quite blurry as we're more and more removed from it) we gathered up newly found, soon to be disbanded, friends to visit the wu tang grave (yes, the hotel is next to a graveyard, which has a gravestone brandishing the wu tang symbol) to drink warm champagne (well, most of us) and wave around sparklers. the next morning, with no training for the 16 foot long by twelve foot high 13ton truck, we were on our way to kentucky, not florida, which is the way of the poster tour.
(trying to spell wu tang with sparklers, failing miserably)


Margaret said...

The last photo is amazing! I've never played with sparklers, someday I will though!

kt said...

I'm glad to see Melissa has changed dresses. And that there are so many new blogs to read too!

melissa said...

Katie, I aim to please. Keep your eyes peeled, we plan to catch up on blogging soon!